My name is Chloe Tomlinson, and I am asking for your vote for Vermont State Representative.

I have a deep love for everything Vermont, from the Green Mountains to the flowing rivers to the profound sense of community that so many Vermonters share. 

Winooski is such a unique and vibrant place — a small city with a big spirit. I am proud to live here, where you can walk to dozens of bustling local businesses and hear your neighbors speaking a variety of languages. 

I am running because I love my city and I love Vermont. We’re facing a myriad of challenges right now, but there is so much potential for us to collectively build the future we want. I hope to help facilitate the creation of solutions to these deeply interconnected issues.

To start, we need to urgently advance legislation that addresses the housing crisis, so that Winooski remains a place where members of our community can put down roots and not be forced to leave. We also must work together to fight the climate crisis, moving toward a just transition of sustainable solutions and away from fossil fuels.

But we can only tackle the existential problems we’re facing if we expand access to and participation in our democracy—beyond voting. I believe that people who have experienced these challenges are best positioned to create solutions. With many voices involved, we can find the best, most equitable way forward for our community.

Meet Chloe

Hi, I’m Chloe (she/her)!

I’ve spent years weaving together the threads of community building and advocacy through my work for mission-driven organizations, both here in Vermont and beyond.

I started my career working with a refugee resettlement agency in Philadelphia, focusing on food and housing security for newly arrived families. My work took a two-pronged approach in providing direct services to families while also advocating for policy changes that would support New American communities.

This experience laid the foundation for my subsequent roles at UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund) and Spark MicroGrants (an international NGO). With both organizations, I worked as a facilitator, supporting local communities and networks of organizers to set a shared vision and make tangible plans to work towards their priorities. My years of work in this field equipped me to bring diverse voices together to find creative, collective solutions.

In 2020, I joined Bernie Sanders’ campaign, drawn by his platform of economic, environmental and social justice. I traveled the country organizing events so that he could meet people where they were and learn about important local issues.

Now, I work for Front Porch Forum as the Community Division Director, where each day we keep -  front and center - our mission of connecting neighbors and building community in every town in Vermont.

Outside of work, I’m a collective gardener, an aspiring bike mechanic, and an amateur carpenter (thanks to Vermont Works for Women!). As a queer woman and a practicing Quaker, openness and collectivity have been core to forming my values and how I show up in the world.

I hope to bring my blend of local commitment and global experience to the State House to represent you and help build a better future for everyone in Vermont.

I would love to hear your questions and ideas! You can reach me at or give me a call at 802-465-1710.

My Priorities


Urgently advance legislation that addresses the housing crisis.

Climate Justice

Address the root causes of the climate crisis and move us toward a just transition.

Democratic Process

Expand access to and participation in our democracy. 

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